10 miles North of York we are based within an hours drive of 10 racecourses including York, Thirsk, Beverley and Pontefract and two hours drive of a further 7 racecourses, saving on transport costs. We are a 5 minute drive from the A19 which gets you to the A1 North in 20 minutes or A1 South in 35 minutes.
We have several lovely villages around us including Sutton on the Forest, Stillington and Crayke which all have lovely eating pubs. Easingwold Market Town is a short drive away and has plenty of tea rooms, cafes and deli’s to choose from.

A huge amount of time and money has been invested in an all weather gallop. It’s a great move forward – a consistent surface to exercise on – whatever the weather. We are the first in the North to use a new surface called Trojan Fibre which is made up of chopped carpet! Laid by R G Carr Planthire.

Irrigation Pond
In 2020 after a very dry Spring, Roger added to the gallop’s features by constructing a pond so that the gallops can be watered when they become dusty. It is very handy having a husband with a lot of big diggers!

Lunge Facilities
We have two main lunge pits and generally lunge the horses loose rather than on a line. One is circular which often has water in the middle – some of our horses love to go for a splash after working. The new lunge ring is made from the same rails as seen at the racecourses and has two parts to it:- an inside and an outer track. We work the horses together and it’s interesting to see which horses are determined to keep in front!

Starting Stalls
In 2013 we purchased a brand new set of starting stalls. They are portable and can be used in the paddocks or in one of the turnout pens so that we can school the young horses out of them loose to help their confidence before we ride them through.

In 2015, 2016 and 2023 we invested in brand new top of the range 3.5t horse boxes by Theault ensuring that our horses are transported safely and comfortably.
Turnout Facilities
Ruth admits she is obsessed with turning horses out! “The turnout is a massive part of what we do here at Mowbray. There are, of course, risks but the benefits both physically and mentally are massive and it is a joy to see the horses turned out enjoying their freedom.” We have numerous paddocks and turn out pens for the horses to relax in after exercise and racing. We have about 18 geldings that go out happily together into the field in front of the house. We also have plenty of grazing if your horse requires a complete break from training or is resting after an injury.

Mechanical Horse Walker
In 2011 we added a horsewalker to the facilities at Mowbray House Farm. It isn’t something everyhorse goes on every day and we won’t be using it instead of turnout but in certain circumstances it is very useful. Horses that are coming back after an injury and need “controlled exercise” benefit from being on the horse walker and it is also useful for young horses

Mounting Ring
A secure area to get on the horses before exercise. In 2017 we laid a new surface, which is the same as the All Weather gallop. This is a great improvement on the previously muddy surface. A passage leads straight onto the woodchip walkway, and then down on to the gallop- everything being enclosed and secure. The mounting ring is also used for the breaking and backing of youngsters.
Metal Pen
Our metal pen is useful when a horse first arrives with us and needs time to adjust to being turned out. We are lucky to have soft sandy soil which the horses love to roll in.

Woodchip Walk Way
New in 2014. The walkway is used to get to the gallop and also to enable turnout all year round without the horses having to walk through wet and mud.